
February 17, 2024
Bumping into the edges of life premium
January 12, 2024
Are you ready to explore your inner landscape? premium
Looking within is a powerful tool that can revolutionise our lives. It’s time to shift our focus from external validation to the most critical landscape: our inner world. By turning our gaze inward, we tap into our true nature, character, skills, and instincts. This simple yet profound attitude generates a tremendous amount of energy and […]
January 6, 2024
Happy Epiphany Day premium
La Befana = Die Epiphanie = Dreikönigsfest = Tag der Erneuerung Die Epiphanie des Geistes: zwischen Mythologie und Psychologie, die Reise der Wiedergeburt. Von der griechischen Antike bis zur italienischen Folklore: die Entwicklung des Konzepts der Epiphanie und seine Auswirkungen auf die menschliche Psyche und die Epiphanie des Geistes. Die Etymologie des Wortes “Epiphanie” stammt […]
July 24, 2023
Our Inner World premium
It might be with our inner resources like these fruits on this table. Despite seeing them, we only sometimes help ourselves. Some of them even rot without being eaten because we pass by them on the table. Inside us is an untouchable oasis of well-being. Whatever challenges we face, we have one task: to remember […]
July 16, 2023
Character over Aging? ENG/GER premium
In unserer westlichen Gesellschaft gibt es eine Phobie vor dem Altern. James Hillmans Buch “Charakter und Bestimmung” bietet eine originelle Interpretation des Alterns und kehrt die Perspektive auf seine Herausforderungen um. Hillman vertritt in seinem Buch die Ansicht, dass die Verzweiflung, die dem Alter zugeschrieben wird, eher in der Art und Weise liegt, wie wir […]
May 31, 2023
Die Qual der Wahl / The Drama of Choice (GER/ENG) premium
Das Drama der Wahl Wie entsteht das Drama der Wahl? Zunächst einmal bringt die Wahl eine bestimmte Erfahrung mit sich, die alle anderen Möglichkeiten und potenziellen Ereignisse ausschließt, die sich aus den nicht getroffenen Entscheidungen hätten ergeben können. Jeden Tag erleben wir Entscheidungen: wichtige Entscheidungen, weniger wichtige Entscheidungen, richtige Entscheidungen, falsche Entscheidungen, übereilt oder sorgfältig […]
May 13, 2023
We need to listen more / Zuhören muss man können (ENG/GER) premium
No dialogue but much monologue? When the art of listening becomes a Herculean effort. We need to listen more. I want to quote a client: ‘I no longer want to surround myself with people who don’t listen, who only talk about their lives and don’t ask me questions “How are you? And when I answer, […]
May 2, 2022
Are you overextending your claws lately?  premium
Maybe it’s the fire of anger you need to enlighten your life. The thing with anger is: that if it’s uncontrolled, it spoils relationships, and restrained anger also makes people sick. BUT if you look at it without judging it, it turns into creative energy. How? Continue reading.  The chronicle of anger is more or […]
April 23, 2022
“Hell is other people”, Jean-Paul Sartre.  premium
Free not to please everyone, but only yourself. Maturity teaches us that freedom from the judgement of others makes us comfortable. So how do you achieve it? Just follow your nature! In today’s culture, recognising one’s uniqueness, and therefore the possibility of not being liked by everyone, requires bravery, a strength that one often only […]
April 18, 2022
How to stop the vicious circle of emotional hunger premium
You currently might face a challenging period; Things are not going the way you want to, and somehow, you realise that your nutrition habits have changed, so who to blame? Your nutrition habits, right? But the process you are into has other roots; dieting will not solve the conflict, and exploring your emotional world will. […]
February 25, 2022
Fear of the unknown? premium
If the fear of the unknown prevails, there is a simple and effective recipe to use. Often life forces us to make significant, sometimes even radical, changes. We feel catapulted on an unknown planet on which we have no point of reference. Everything is new, and we don’t know if it will do us any […]
February 22, 2022
What comes ease to me? premium
Jung said: “The qualities you don’t express become diseases”. So remember what comes easy to me? A plant doesn’t make an effort to grow, and you don’t have to make an effort to live calm. ⁠ Like every living being, plants have an innate knowledge that makes them realize their nature. Of course, we are […]