Bumping into the edges of life

Bumping into the edge of a table can be avoided.

Life’s bumps and edges are unavoidable, but we can overcome them with a self-aware and reflective attitude. Instead of repeating the same mistakes and bumping into the same situations repeatedly, we must examine our behaviours and thinking patterns.

This requires courage, honesty, and a willingness to learn and grow from our experiences. By identifying the root causes of our challenges, we can develop strategies and solutions that will help us avoid bumping into the same edges in the future.

With the right mindset and approach, we can navigate life’s challenges with greater ease and confidence, emerge more robust and resilient on the other side, and progress towards our goals.

Carl Gustav Jung believed that accurate self-awareness comes not from knowing oneself but from recognising oneself. This means acknowledging that every emotion we feel, including sadness, is a part of who we are.

When we experience sadness, it is an opportunity to discover a new aspect of ourselves and to appreciate the joy that exists alongside it. If we resist these emotions, we only see pain. Instead, we should embrace the full spectrum of our being and let go of our resistance.

📸@Pascale Weber