
January 6, 2024
Happy Epiphany Day premium
La Befana = Die Epiphanie = Dreikönigsfest = Tag der Erneuerung Die Epiphanie des Geistes: zwischen Mythologie und Psychologie, die Reise der Wiedergeburt. Von der griechischen Antike bis zur italienischen Folklore: die Entwicklung des Konzepts der Epiphanie und seine Auswirkungen auf die menschliche Psyche und die Epiphanie des Geistes. Die Etymologie des Wortes “Epiphanie” stammt […]
July 4, 2023
Wenn Sie sich inmitten von rauen Wellen befinden, sind Sie im Gleichgewicht premium
For English see below Gleichgewicht ist nicht immer das, was wir denken. Wenn wir es sagen, bedeutet inneres Gleichgewicht, dass alles an seinem Platz ist, dass alles funktioniert, dass alles gut läuft, dass es also immer gleich ist. Das Gegenteil könnte nicht weiter von der Wahrheit entfernt sein. Unsere Ziele sind nicht immer die gleichen, […]
May 13, 2023
We need to listen more / Zuhören muss man können (ENG/GER) premium
No dialogue but much monologue? When the art of listening becomes a Herculean effort. We need to listen more. I want to quote a client: ‘I no longer want to surround myself with people who don’t listen, who only talk about their lives and don’t ask me questions “How are you? And when I answer, […]
July 4, 2022
Bad temper? premium
Bad temper? It’s your footprint There is no such thing as a good or bad character, there is only our uniqueness, which has no equal in the universe, just like a footprint. “What a bad temper you have!” That’s what we hear when we get angry. In reality, it is a defensive attitude, which is […]
May 2, 2022
Are you overextending your claws lately?  premium
Maybe it’s the fire of anger you need to enlighten your life. The thing with anger is: that if it’s uncontrolled, it spoils relationships, and restrained anger also makes people sick. BUT if you look at it without judging it, it turns into creative energy. How? Continue reading.  The chronicle of anger is more or […]
April 23, 2022
“Hell is other people”, Jean-Paul Sartre.  premium
Free not to please everyone, but only yourself. Maturity teaches us that freedom from the judgement of others makes us comfortable. So how do you achieve it? Just follow your nature! In today’s culture, recognising one’s uniqueness, and therefore the possibility of not being liked by everyone, requires bravery, a strength that one often only […]
August 13, 2021
Change Prospective premium
Through which lenses do you see yourself? On Self-esteem, Self-worth, and about on seeing us through colourful lenses, cause we are much more than we believe to be « Do you love me?» Asked Alice. « No, I don’t love you.» Said the white rabbit. Alice wrinkled her forehead and began to rub her hands […]
July 27, 2021
Fear of going on holiday? E/G premium
Scroll down for German Summer is finally here, and with it also the fear of going on holiday comes along. Please what? Yes, what might sound strange, actually really exist. So let’s go deeper into this phenomenon: The fear of going on holiday or getting away from home. For some people, one of the most […]
July 23, 2021
Entzünde den Funken in Dir (D/E) premium
Scroll down for Englisch Niemand will ein dunkles und düsteres Leben, aber wir suchen das Licht oft außerhalb von uns selbst, aber das Licht, das uns gut fühlen lässt, kann nur an einem Ort gefunden werden: In uns selbst. Es gibt viele Dinge, die wir tun können, um unsere Tage zu erhellen: Wir suchen nach […]
July 20, 2021
Perfection? No, thanks  premium
The great artist Salvador Dali’ wrote: “Don’t be afraid of perfection: you will never reach it”. If you want to boost your self-esteem, you should say no to the model of perfection because the urge to achieve the perfect condition can be an obstacle if we set it as a level to reach even before […]
July 18, 2021
What are the key skills to strengthen self-esteem? premium
Today I want to answer a question I received by e-mail. So, the starting point is to consider that self-esteem is not a hereditary characteristic and not even a permanent condition. Instead, there are particular periods in which our self-esteem alternates. Therefore, self-esteem is a changeable and flexible condition that you can train and strengthen. […]
July 4, 2021
What creates self-esteem? premium
How can we not be aware of the wealth we possess? How can we fail to see our talent? Too many questions, I know. One possible answer is that spontaneity is the only key to activate our inner resources, in other words, our psychological talent, which has a deep connection to self-esteem. Now the word […]