
December 14, 2020
Schreckgespenst: Einsamkeit D/E premium
Schreckgespenst: Einsamkeit Scroll down for English Einsamkeit (nicht Isolation) ist ein natürliches Empfinden des Menschen, welches für viele oft sehr beängstigend ist. Für sie bedeutet Einsamkeit Isolation und wird als Niederlage empfunden mit dem Resultat depressiver Anflüge. Was aber, wenn die Begegnung mit der Einsamkeit der Beginn einer Reise zu sich selbst ist, um an […]
October 30, 2020
The Bad Boy premium
Recently, this question came up during a coaching session: I’m falling in love with a bad boy, I’m scared, will I suffer? Well, I do not have any clairvoyant skills, but maybe I can give you another view on that. It can happen to anyone and at any age to fall in love with someone […]
May 18, 2020
“Difficulties increase the nearer we get to th goal” J.W. von Goethe premium
Self-sabotage: We want it so badly, are one step away from reaching our goal and then we fail. It’s a common phenomenon difficult to understand and to accept. One could say, it is just because of negative coincidences but if these kinds of events tend to repeat themselves over and over: it’s not just misfortune […]
April 22, 2020
Money & Love an explosive couple premium
Money and love an explosive couple, at the beginning never a topic but when the romance decreases…it’s either an opportunity or a disaster. Enchanted by love the first months, we think that our feelings are GPS and will direct us to the right behavior and whatever comes, together we will find a solution. The way […]
April 21, 2020
Craving for sugar? Well, it’s not hunger… premium
Is sugar your worst enemy during the last four weeks? We all know, our daily diet should be based on the middle way, no excesses. Are you eating too much sugar? The hormones of satiety take time to activate, but not only that. Hormones also have a voice… If we eat in a mechanical way, […]