Craving for sugar? Well, it’s not hunger…

Is sugar your worst enemy during the last four weeks? We all know, our daily diet should be based on the middle way, no excesses. Are you eating too much sugar? The hormones of satiety take time to activate, but not only that. Hormones also have a voice… If we eat in a mechanical way, we not only introduce more food before we feel full, but we forget ourselves. Where are you with your mind, when you binge? Let’s listen to ourselves and understand what our bodies tell us. That emptiness in my stomach that makes me want to eat even though it hasn’t been long since I got up from the table it’s reactive hypoglycaemia and our insulin has been over-stimulated. It’s not hunger but only the respond of our body to the excess of sugar in the previous meal.
Photography @pasce_w for Kunstlabor Heinrich Bobst ‘vermeintlich schön’ Plexikunst