
August 9, 2022
What is the natural way to live happily? premium
In English and German According to Aristotle, happiness is the purpose of life. (In philosophical language, happiness means the fundamental purpose of life (according to the doctrine of eudemonism). The word happiness recalls eudaimonia, which in turn means the success of your demon. What is your demon? Your ability, your specific one, your vocation, your […]
March 27, 2022
On being natural premium
Naturalness is the key to your true spark. Naturalness enchants without costing anything. Without striving to appear different or better, being true to yourself simplifies life. Some people live every day to please others with the only goal to offer the world a perfect image of themselves. For them acting naturally or spontaneously is a […]
November 8, 2021
Comparison: A fatal poison… premium
First, we must understand what this comparison? The comparison is an unconscious alibi for not taking the situation in hand: one prefers to see everything perfect in others and everything wrong in oneself, rather than face the coexistence, in one’s reality, of positive and negative aspects, of good periods and moments of crisis. But only […]
May 10, 2021
What is the secret of eternal mental youth? premium
During a session, one of my clients says: “Lately, I often wonder if my mind is getting old, I constantly repeat the same things and what I do is always familiar. There are not many things beyond known in my life. I know my self very good; respectively, I know exactly how my character is”. […]
March 18, 2021
Can you keep a secret? premium
For some people, it is incredibly challenging to resist the temptation to reveal even very intimate confidences: A dangerous quality that deserves attention. Not keeping a secret can be a sore point is any relationship (friendships, work, family etc.). Lately, a client of my states: “An excellent friend of mine has just ‘ended’ with me […]
February 1, 2021
Why do we self-limit ourselves if we are born with great potential? premium
There is only one person in this world who will prevent you from reaching the top: She/he watches you every day, from the mirror (unknown). Somehow, we use a strange way of limiting ourselves and restricting our potential. Often, we act as our executor and victim simultaneously giving birth to a tremendous inner boycott to […]
January 7, 2021
Happiness is a matter of how you look at it premium
“You must know how to take the dangerous path at some point in life, the shortcut full of unknowns. As long as you walk on the marked road, you know where you will arrive, but you will never get any further”. Giorgio Schebarnenco I came across this quote by chance, and I was fascinated by […]
December 9, 2020
Die Unsicherheit – Eine kostbare Ressource  (G/E) premium
For English scroll down Viele Menschen fühlen sich unsicher und möchten nur in äusserst sicheren Strukturen leben. Die Unsicherheit zu überwinden, besteht darin, sie zu betrachten, ohne zu versuchen, sie zu bekämpfen. Viele von uns erleben Unsicherheit als die schlimmste Seite ihres Seins. Unsicherheit kommt oft mit Bedauern einher: “Ah, was wäre wohl passiert, wenn […]
December 4, 2020
Dritter Schritt: Entdecken Sie die Angst hinter vielen körperlichen Symptomen und stärken Sie sich premium
For English scroll down Menschen, die an Angst leiden (insbesondere in chronischen Formen), erfahren oft auch spezifische psychosomatische Symptome wie z.B. Herzrasen, Schweissausbrüche, erschwerter Atem, weiche Knie u. Ä.. Die Symptome geben einen präzisen Hinweis auf den wahren Ursprung der Beschwerden und darauf, welche Veränderungen wir in unserer Lebensweise vornehmen sollten, um mehr in Harmonie […]
June 15, 2020
Do you want to say goodbye to emotional hunger? premium
Do you want to say goodbye to emotional hunger? Reading this might help to understand the mechanism of emotional eating. On request of several of my clients and being a former acupressure therapist with focus on nutrition, this week, I would like to take up the topic on emotional eating. You currently might face a […]
June 14, 2020
Grow through adversity, and what we can learn from lobsters premium
Grow through adversity, and what we can learn from lobsters. The lobster is a soft mushy animal that lives inside a rigid shell. The rigid shell does not expand as the lobster grows. And how does the lobster grow? As the lobster grows that shell becomes very confining and the lobster feels itself under pressure […]
May 27, 2020
Our thoughts can be our allies, but also our worst enemies premium
There are situations in which we cannot stop thinking over the same thing anticipating a situation or calling past moments, leaving the door wide open to anxiety. The anxiety created by our thoughts ends up becoming a process out of control: we are literally tyrannized by our thoughts. Even if thinking is an automatic action […]