The impossible love, the unsatisfying job and the unconscious language behind it.

It is easy to find impossible love and doing a job we don’t like. The easiest thing in love is to turn love into an instrument of suffering. “I find a person who does not love me, and I suffer terribly”.

And what “advantage” do I have in the meantime?

The advantage of not putting myself on the line. Because if I find a person who truly loves me, potent energies are set in motion that can frighten me and can make me discover parts of myself that I didn’t know”.

So it is easy to have impossible and unhappy loves. It is challenging to have successful love. This unconscious pattern applies in couples, in careers, in ideas and creativity.

It is easy to find a career you don’t love and sacrifice yourself for it. Then you will never know yourself.

But it takes COURAGE. It takes courage to bring out that feeling of love, even opening your own path in life.

In a period of such substantial changes, it seems inevitable to discover as much as possible who we really are.

We can’t escape from ourselves; sooner or later, we have to get in the game of life.

#mindset #psychology #mentalhealth

Photo by Pascale Weber Photography