self love

February 22, 2022
What comes ease to me? premium
Jung said: “The qualities you don’t express become diseases”. So remember what comes easy to me? A plant doesn’t make an effort to grow, and you don’t have to make an effort to live calm. ⁠ Like every living being, plants have an innate knowledge that makes them realize their nature. Of course, we are […]
June 14, 2021
The hidden power within us – Leave the surface  premium
Without the fire, the passion within, we eventually suffocate ourselves. There is a moment in life when we touch mysterious energies that reside within us. We do not see how many things are there within us because we are plagued by what we think is “our insuperable obstacle”. For some, it’s a relationship crisis; for […]
February 10, 2021
Aufblühen oder nicht aufblühen? premium
Aufblühen oder nicht aufblühen? Persönliches Aufblühen ist kein Ziel, sondern ein Prozess, während wir uns um unser Selbst kümmern (griechisch: epimeleia (Pflege) heautou (Selbst)). Der heutige Artikel ist all den Menschen da draussen gewidmet, die a) sich selbst unterschätzen, b) eine schlechte Beziehung zu sich selbst haben, c) ein geringes Selbstwertgefühl haben, und d) Angst […]
February 4, 2021
If you are born to be a rose, why do you want to live as a Chrysamtheme? premium
Personal flourishing is not a goal but a process while we take care of our self (Greek: epimeleia (care) heautou (self)).   Today’s article is dedicated to all the people out there that a) underestimate themselves, b) have a poor relationship with oneself, c) have low-self esteem, d) are scared to live in their full potential […]
November 17, 2020
Why the words we speak matter and how to turn them into jewels premium
There are certain words, phrases, or idioms that we use that can make us become rigid and somehow stereotypical. Sometimes words can hurt more than anything else and we often pay little attention to the words we say to others but above all to ourselves. These words have become so familiar to us that we […]
November 12, 2020
Is your life Rock & Roll? D/E premium
Das Gleichgewicht eines Menschen ähnelt dem einer Gitarre. Solange alle Saiten perfekt gestimmt sind, beschenkt sie uns mit herrlichen Tönen. Sobald die Saiten aus dem Gleichgewicht geraten, gibt die Gitarre nur noch nervtötende und ketzerische Töne von sich, bis einem die Haare zu Berge stehen. Nun wird einem die Frage überlassen: Möchten wir in die […]
October 30, 2020
The Bad Boy premium
Recently, this question came up during a coaching session: I’m falling in love with a bad boy, I’m scared, will I suffer? Well, I do not have any clairvoyant skills, but maybe I can give you another view on that. It can happen to anyone and at any age to fall in love with someone […]
October 22, 2020
“Complaining not only ruins everybody else’s day, it ruins the complainer’s day, too. The more we complain, the more unhappy we get”. Dennis Prager premium
Scroll down for the German version. Complainers… It often happens to meet people who repeatedly complain (sometimes over years) about their job, weight, partner, or their loneliness, who regret a love affair that has ended or a lost opportunity. Somehow at some point they give the impression that they derive almost a certain satisfaction from […]
September 17, 2020
Wenn Sie sich anderen ständig anpassen, laufen Sie Gefahr sich zu verlieren premium
For the English version scroll down. Wenn Sie sich anderen ständig anpassen, laufen Sie Gefahr sich zu verlieren. Die einzige Lösung besteht darin, so zu sein, wie Sie sind, um jeden Preis. Natürlich, ist es nützlich zu wissen, wie man sich in verschiedene Situationen verhalten sollte, aber wenn dies bedeutet, sich selbst zu vernachlässigen, sind […]
June 26, 2020
Stop judging yourself. Why are we always that hard on ourselves? premium
Stop judging yourself. Why are we always that hard on ourselves? (For German scroll down) Because we spend our time evaluating ourselves, criticizing ourselves. A rose does not question and judge herself, has no goals, yet it blooms. Instead, we spend our time wondering what other people think about us, if we are good, we […]
May 25, 2020
When panic sweeps away a quiet BUT fake life premium
Often those who suffer from panic attacks cannot get over it, convinced that their life runs smoothly and quietly: “I’m fine, everything in my life is great, I have everything I ever wanted and suddenly my world shakes…While saying these words, we recognise the contradiction in it, “my perfect life and my unconscious finds in […]
April 11, 2020
Is your appearance your only strength? premium
Is your appearance your only strength? What is behind the obsession with one’s appearance? The great phenomenon of our time: People care too much about their own beauty and even make it their only asset with the consequence that one’s own personal resources and abilities are forgotten. Women/men of all ages, many young and attractive, […]