
April 18, 2022
How to stop the vicious circle of emotional hunger premium
You currently might face a challenging period; Things are not going the way you want to, and somehow, you realise that your nutrition habits have changed, so who to blame? Your nutrition habits, right? But the process you are into has other roots; dieting will not solve the conflict, and exploring your emotional world will. […]
February 11, 2022
What are you waiting for? premium
“… why did we wait for anything? — why not seize the pleasure at once? — How often do preparation, foolish preparation destroy happiness! “Jane Austen, Emma If I get a new job, I’ll be happy; if I lose weight, I’ll be satisfied, if, but, when… but when is when? You want it so badly […]
November 8, 2021
Comparison: A fatal poison… premium
First, we must understand what this comparison? The comparison is an unconscious alibi for not taking the situation in hand: one prefers to see everything perfect in others and everything wrong in oneself, rather than face the coexistence, in one’s reality, of positive and negative aspects, of good periods and moments of crisis. But only […]
August 10, 2021
“Change is inevitable. Growth optional” John Maxwell premium
If I got a new job, I’d be happy, if I lose weight, I’ll be happy, if, but, when… but when is when? You want it so badly and to get it right from scratch. Do you hear this nasty little lie when you listen to your sentences? It’s never the right time. So many […]
July 27, 2021
Fear of going on holiday? E/G premium
Scroll down for German Summer is finally here, and with it also the fear of going on holiday comes along. Please what? Yes, what might sound strange, actually really exist. So let’s go deeper into this phenomenon: The fear of going on holiday or getting away from home. For some people, one of the most […]
July 23, 2021
Entzünde den Funken in Dir (D/E) premium
Scroll down for Englisch Niemand will ein dunkles und düsteres Leben, aber wir suchen das Licht oft außerhalb von uns selbst, aber das Licht, das uns gut fühlen lässt, kann nur an einem Ort gefunden werden: In uns selbst. Es gibt viele Dinge, die wir tun können, um unsere Tage zu erhellen: Wir suchen nach […]
June 24, 2021
Why me? And why does everyone let me down? How to get out of the victim role premium
We all fall victim to victimism and become suspicious, sceptical and discouraged, but the more we complain, the more lonely and stressed we feel. “That’s it, I don’t trust anyone anymore”; “As soon as you give this much, everyone takes advantage”; “I don’t believe in good faith any more”; “When I really needed something, everyone […]
May 25, 2021
How heavy is your sense of guilt? premium
“Throughout life, the two most futile emotions are guilt for what has been done and worry about what might be done. … It makes no sense to worry about things you have no control over because there’s nothing you can do.” Wayne Dyer How does the fake blocking guilt pattern sound?  “If I express what I really think and if I act accordingly, […]
May 19, 2021
Sometimes when you’re in a dark place, you might think you’ve been buried, but you’ve actually been planted. Christine Caine premium
I know no one wants to hear these words: “You have to embrace the pain, look at it and don’t judge or comment.” The thing is, there is no shortcut; you have to go through it. You grow when you stop asking questions. Scanning the whys, causes, blame for your emotional discomfort, sadness, or anxiety […]
May 17, 2021
How to find the treasure even on bad days premium
There are days and days; what if this slowdown holds a message for us? On such a “bad day”, our monologue consists more or less of this sentence: “Today is not a good day!” Nothing works; nothing goes right. These are the moments when, if we look closely, it is mainly us who are not […]
May 4, 2021
How does our soul give itself a voice? premium
By sending messages to the body, because if you don’t want to hear, you have to feel… There are times when all emotions show up: anger, aggression, doubt, resentment, and exaltation, fantasies, shame, fear, terror, insecurity. We feel like we can’t take it anymore, and sometimes, as contradictory as it may seem, symptoms and illnesses […]
April 22, 2021
How to discover inner satisfaction by forgetting who we are, respectively, by letting go of what we think of ourselves premium
All of us have inner guidance, a “stranger” who lives authentic, natural, and knows it better. We have to trust the process and give them space.   Each of us believes that we know ourselves ultimately. We think we know our strengths and weaknesses. But what if what we call “I” is only a tiny part […]