
August 9, 2023
Und welche Göttin bist Du / And which Gooddess are you? (GER/ENG) premium
Und welche Göttin bist du? Finde es in meinem Workshop vom 30.09.23 /1.10.2023 heraus! Entdecke deine persönliche Kraft wieder und entfessele deine Ahnenkraft mit den Göttinnen des alten Griechenlands. Archetypen sind ein Konzept, das bereits von den alten Griechen theoretisiert, und von Carl Gustav Jung in den 1900er Jahren formalisiert wurde. Dies ist ein unkonventioneller […]
April 12, 2022
From the Egg to the Chick premium
Growing inner strength and breaking the surface with the egg and the chick analogy. In an egg, the hard part is on the outside, the shell, and the soft part is on the inside (the white and the yolk). The shell prevents the liquid it contains from slopping out before a chick has had time […]
March 27, 2022
On being natural premium
Naturalness is the key to your true spark. Naturalness enchants without costing anything. Without striving to appear different or better, being true to yourself simplifies life. Some people live every day to please others with the only goal to offer the world a perfect image of themselves. For them acting naturally or spontaneously is a […]
June 20, 2020
When nervous hunger is the main actor in your life premium
Whatever feeling you are currently experiencing, the only thing you do is: eating, and not just eating normal portions, but very big portions like these Duracell figures that would never stop, until you hit the off button. How do you break up this vicious circle? It is not a real hunger out of an empty […]
June 17, 2020
Der emotionale Hunger und seine Mechanismen premium
Auf Wunsch einiger meiner Klienten und als ehemalige Therapeutin mit Schwerpunkt Ernährung möchte ich diese Woche das Thema emotionales Essen aufgreifen. Vielleicht stehen Sie derzeit vor einer schwierigen Phase; die Dinge laufen nicht so, wie Sie es sich wünschen, und irgendwie stellen Sie fest, dass sich Ihre Ernährungsgewohnheiten geändert haben, und wer trägt die Schuld? […]
June 9, 2020
About Anger premium
Resentment, the concept of anger and its 3 phases. 1. Provocation: Somebody provokes me. I feel angry. I do not have control over that. 2. Reaction: How do I react to it? Do I respond? Do I walk away? Do I call the other person by some nasty names? This I can control. 3: How […]
April 25, 2020
Feeling angry? premium
Feeling like you want to explode, but you don’t and use your anger to sting around you with constant provocation and criticism? Don’t, stay fair. You can twist it and turn it however you want…If you lose your temper quite often, you risk to be avoided, If you hold it for a long time and then […]