“Do I contradict myself? Very well, then, I contradict myself; (I am large. I contain multitudes)” Walt Whitman.

Why do I say one thing and do another? The one question we all asked ourselves perhaps more than once. Yet, most of the time, all we do is struggling with our contradictions, and all we want to do is chase them away. BUT we cannot close the door to the opposite side that wants to emerge because the day will come when we will be forced to look at it in the face.

Let’s get another view on this: The contradiction shows that at least two sides can take different directions in us. So we would commit a significant error against our self-esteem if we believe that we will reach fulfilment and satisfaction only when we have eliminated all our contradictions or the things we don’t like about ourselves. In reality, by doing so, we are walking in the wrong direction because it leads us to become one-sided, always the same, far away as Whitman would say to be the person containing multitudes.

We are not in this world to improve or better ourselves but to COMPLETE ourselves.

📸 Pascale Weber