Are you an egg or a potato?

“The same boiling water that softens the potato hardens the egg.”

We study successful people because we want to get their results. But those results depend on the context, indeed, and what they did in that context. And what they have done, choices and actions is an expression of who they are of their uniqueness.

But there is one crucial detail that should never be forgotten.

You. Your uniqueness. The substance of which you are made.

For what you learn to make a real impact in your life, you must shape it around your uniqueness. Make it your own.

As Socrates reminds us, the first step is to know yourself.

The second step is to know who you want to become.

Then you can build an inner compass that will help you explore ideas and strategies modelled on successful people.

In short, it is necessary to become self-aware of the substance of which we are made.

📸 Pascale Weber

#innovation #psychology #mentalhealth